Sunday, August 28, 2016

Letting Go

Ended my first ever romantic relationship a month ago, for good (we've broken and made up so many times). Since this is my first time in the arena (the serious one), I didn't know what to expect except everything that I've read in online blogs and all the solicited and unsolicited advice that I've listened to from well-meaning friends. 

After a month, I could say that it is as melodramatic as everyone would say and at times, it is not. Some days it felt like there's no coming out of it, other days it simply feels like the end of any day. However it felt, it's over and with what urged me to end it, I just hope that there would be no more backsliding.

I've let that go and kept the lesson. With this newfound maturity, I've also let go of other people in my life who have no business being there. 

At the end of all this hullabaloo, I learned that in relationships where no money or career is involved, it is not worth to keep if I have to be someone I'm not. If they make me question whether whatever I am doing or choosing is up to their standards or not, they need not be in my inner circle. In an article I read somewhere, it says that adulthood is fun because you can cut off people from your life without worrying whether you'll be ostracized or you'll end up working on group projects alone. School's over, so is walking on eggshells.