Saturday, December 18, 2010

Up in the equator..

And here I am. A few months ago I wouldn't have imagined that I will be in the middle of a melting pot, hearing all kinds of languages from all over the world. That I am here, not just on vacation, but to stay and work is not just surprising but completely mind-blowing. I didn't think that I have the courage to withstand being away from family and friends and from the comfort of my former job in Manila but apparently, I kicked royal asses in that department. For one month a half, at least, I did and still at it.

So far, the first few weeks are not so bad, and not so good either. For the first time in forever, I lived in two different households, in a span of two months. The worst part is I'm thinking of moving again though I'm still not sure and I still have the option to wait out and stay. My job? Not so stellar, my performance in it and the situation, but I didn't come here to sit around and enjoy the sceneries anyway. I still have a year and 10 months and I am more than willing to take the punches aimed my way in this area.

For now, I can't say that I'm doing good because my grandma just passed away last week and I can't be with family at the moment. I just comfort myself with the thought that she is now in a better place and she finally got the rest that she has been wanting for the past few years.

And this will not be the end of it as I've barely started. I know there's more to come. This time though, I'll try not to be the wide-eyed, naive bumpkin from the greeneries but the kick-ass and tough girl that this country is teaching me to become.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, really.